Showing Appreciation for Others
One of my clients is encouraging their managers and supervisors to show recognition and appreciation to their employees everyday. Showing appreciation is always a terrific idea and a solid practice for everyday life. People want to know that they are seen and appreciated by others.
Sometimes it’s challenging to pay someone a compliment or show appreciation for their work. While it is relatively easy to pay a compliment to someone who you genuinely appreciate, what about those people who you don’t get along with as well – the ones who make work feel like an uphill battle for you every day?
It may sound like a strange analogy, but I sometimes consider how whales at SeaWorld are trained. Long before the whales are jumping high out of the water for a treat, the trainers reward them for simply swimming over a rope below the water’s surface. There are times when I am working with an especially challenging individual or work team and I tell myself, I just need to get them to start “swimming over the rope”.
For example, let's say you are working with someone who has a long way to go before they successfully handle difficult moments with maturity and ease. Even though it is clear that there is room for improvement, you can at least recognize them when they are actively moving in that direction. “I know today was demanding, but I noticed that you were intentionally trying to keep your frustration level in check. It made a difference and I appreciate it.”
Do you have a question for Patti? Send an email to patti@pattilind.com and it may be answered in next month's newsletter. |